Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Here I begin....

So I decided to start a blog...because I feel I can't really talk about life as it is now. Now, you as a reader, get to be a voyeur. It is not that exciting but I think you may enjoy my stories and hey, maybe I will get some insight into my life. Free therapy, right?
I am a 41 year old female who is married with a seven year old and a five year old. The two kiddos are the most important thing in my life. Yes the most important thing.
I am a language arts teacher that has been teaching only two years (this is my second career) and I teach seniors in high school--not the kind that are losing their teeth, but the ones who barely have all their teeh in place. They think they know everything but actually, as we who are older, know they nothing--their life is just beginning. I have stories that could fill a book but that will wait until later.
Right now..my five year old is having a fit to go to McDonald's so I must go...not to Mickey D's but to tend to her needs....yeah, right.

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